Friday, May 25, 2007

Back by popular demand

1. He loves him some Lance
2. Practicing his gentle pats on Lance
3. I don't want to brag, but that is one good picture
4. Muscling a chair for himself
5. All this hard work has made my cheeks flushed. And my hair crazy and wispy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The garage sale bandit

As you can see, I am now a super hero. I am known for my red face and white mask around the eyes. My secret power is a bulging jaw that looks kind of disturbing.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The big city

1. The Excalibur from afar
2. The MGM as you can see
3. New York, New York
4. That famous sign that tells you to drive careful that I almost wrecked getting a picture of

Rehearsal dinner

1. Jessica getting her baby fix
2. The happy couple and parents
3. Dessert choice A
4. Dessert choice B (I take pictures of important things only)

More Bad Vegas Pictures

1. Our rental car. A VW Passat. Very nice
2. Mike's wife's Mini Cooper. Not built for people over 6 feet tall.
3. Got socks? This vending machine does.
4. You're calling me from where?
5. Jessica and I after a rough night out on the town.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Back in bidness. Many terrible Vegas pictures to come

1. There's something on the wing of this plane! I'm not crazy! (what you've never seen The Twilight Zone movie? Go get it some time)
2. Jessica protecting a tiny dog from the oncoming shadow
3. This just struck me as funny
4. Crazy light show on Freemont Street. Pretty cool. The screen is about 150 yards long and hangs over your head about 30 feet.
5. The famous Malboro Man guy and these two albinos I know