Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Some observations

<----You don't know how hard it is to find a picture of an organ grinding monkey.

<---A key member of our household now

Here's a few examples of how my thoughts progressed during pregnancy.
Beginning- I hope he's the best football player ever.
End- I don't care if he plays soccer as long as he's healthy. He better be the goalie though.

I have a new slogan to replace "There are no atheists in a foxhole" with "There are no atheists fathers to be." God sent me an e-mail the other day and he said I'm prayed up until 2015 after one night of labor.

You can believe what you want, but I know for a fact God let us avoid having to go through a C-section. The doctor wanted to schedule a C-section for 0530 because there was absolutely no progress, next thing you know we have a baby.

Another progression for you
Before we found out Jessica was going into labor
"Lord don't let me pass gas in front of this nurse while I'm sitting on this wooden chair you know how they echo. You remember what happened to Mike at the library that one time."
"Lord just give me a healthy baby."

I think I slept for a total of 45 minutes in a 40 hour span. That is no good for holding new borns. There were a few times I was holding Brendan when I there were some fontanels in danger.

For those of you without kids, there's nothing like the first time you see a kids first dirty diaper. It looks like someone put a Midnight (It could be a color. You don't know.) crayon in the microwave.

I think I will start saying Jessica went into labour. It will sound the same, but I'll know, oh yes I'll know. The organ grinder monkey will also be in on this one. Do me a favour and put me out of my misery.

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