Thursday, September 20, 2007

Haircut Part Duex

1. The results before the process.
2. Whatcha gonna do with those sharp things lady? He was not happy, all he wanted to do was "Eat, eat." His new favorite phrase.
3. they gave him a lollipop and that hair swoop thing that all hair cutting people do. That lollipop became the hairest lollipop ever after Brendan didn't know what to do with it. I think e are raising a neglected child.
4. Eli wasn't big on the haircut either, but he knew how to take advantage of candy.
5. Check us out! We got hercuts! And we get to eat, eat.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Labor Day to take my mind of this nailbiter I'm watching

1. Cpt. Papa and Ensign Bren
2. Hold me back, hold me back
3. Looks like I have half a mustache
4. Awesome Murphy cake. He's 5 now. That was quick.
5. Poor kid doesn't know how bad his team is playing. On second thought, maybe it's poor me.
6. Don't let that cute fella on the left fool ya. He's nuts and tough as nails.
7. Getcher tickets for the gun show right here.
8. Mezmerized by some lady ducking behind her arms.
9. Elbows on the table are rude, feet are magical.
10. The new, fashionable, halter life preserver.