Sunday, April 29, 2007

Stuff happnin

1. Gimme that gatorade. No, I had the conch!
2. Hey Buddy, who's golden toed sock is that right there?
3. Wanna read some books with me?
4. Brendan's buddy Eli,Bizarro Brendan. Eli is tan, dark eyed, dark haired, easy to carry, and very calm. Exact opposites
5. Well you see I like to read 'em and then throw them on the floor. Wanna try?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Whole lotta boys

1. Harder than you think to get them all in the same picture
2. Jacob practices his instrument while...
3. Trey perfects his rocking out sneer
4. Jacob is able to puff out his throat like those frogs to intimidate attackers
5. We don't even need light bulbs with these pale fellas. In the background, Jacob is obviously puffing up.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Amatuer vet

1. Let's do this!
2. Calm the beast down first to gain his trust.
3. Then and only then can you check under the hood.
4. Finish up and watch some TV in some vulgarly tight shorts.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter (Easter is brought to you by the token fruity holiday outfit)

1. Maybe if I close my eyes and get a wide base this outfit will go away.
2. I will now knock myself in the head with this super hard saddle shoe. As soon as i figure out who's crazy pants those are behind me.
3. Hello? Weather Channel? It's going to be how cold?
4. Hello? Is this the Child Abuse Hotline? I'm in short pants and it's 30 degrees some get me.
5. (whispering) He's right behind me, I can't say any more. Just come get me.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Hunt

1. Walking in, sizing up the competition. Bunch a chumps.
2. Warm up with some pushups and "worms".
3. All up in the middle of a plethora of eggs. Primo real estate.
4. Carefully loading his precious cargo. Best Easter basket there by the way . Thanks Grandma.
5. Finish off with a few sprints towards electrical plugs.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Whistle while you twork (that is the way I meant to spell that)

1. Brenfir. Master of the Pan Flute
2. Whoo wee this one's gonna cost ya mister. Ya done went and got your Guiness coil burnt slap out.
3. Welp, I'ma get started. I'll see what I can do with this cloth wrench. Could you go ahead and make sure my crack is showin before I get started?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Picture now with a lemon fresh smudge!

1. I'm goin crazy over here!
2. The answer to the question, "Where's your belly?"
3. Skilletlicious
4. L'il drummer boy
5. Just brings tears to his dad's eyes.