Monday, March 20, 2006

Another Great Moment in Sleep Deprivation History

This is of course a purely fictional story. The protagonist of ths story is a guy we'll call Moe Jartin. Moe's first job was at a place called Wontgomery Mard's. Well as Moe's are apt to do, Moe stayed out too late one night (also known as, stick one leg in bed, have the alarm go off, pull leg out of bed, take shower, go to work). So Moe goes to his job stocking and restocking the shelves in a warehouse (also known as move this junk that no one will buy over there with that similar junk that no one will buy). Well Moe has to use the restroom at one point during this crucial job. He gets settled in a little too comfortably in the stall and the lack of sleep catches up to him. Moe wakes up 2 hours later very confused. When the cobwebs are cleared away he sees how much time has elapsed and tries to spring up to get back to work. It is a little known fact that if one sits in that position too long you will be paralyzed from the waist down. Moe falls off to the side and is temporarily jammed between the toilet bowl and the toilet paper dispenser. After pushing himself free with his awake arms he crumples to the floor helpless. PINS AND NEEDLES PINS AND NEEDLES. When he gets full use of all of his limbs Moe scrambles back to work and is expecting to be way behind in his very important junk moving job. Turns out no one misses him and the junk all gets properly sorted. Everybody is a winner, except for Moe's dignity which was left on a cold Wontgomery Mard's bathroom floor.


Anonymous said...

Poor Joe, errrrrrr I mean MOE, yeah, Moe Jartin, of course

Anonymous said...

You know what they say "Moe is less, less is Moe!".

Murphy's, Kaya's and Ryder's Mimi