Sunday, October 29, 2006

Eyetalian assault

In a horrific scene Saturday night a 4 foot Italian man was assaulted by a 3 foot baby. The Italian man, who's name is assumed to be Luig,i was heard screaming, "Ah hey! Stoppa data! Oucha ma glasses! Momma mia!" The baby used sign languange to say the man provoked him by trying to pinch him with his thumb and forefinger. Luigi's insurance representative said the mustache was a total loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get 'em baby! By golly we bailed them outta WW2 and now here they are assaulting good American babies with their pinchy oregano smelling fingers, trains on time my FOOT and always with the pasta and the accents....hey where's my afghan and my glasses????