Fireman need to be ready to roll at any time. They just put their fire suits over their puppy jammies when they have to go. There's a lot of downtime, so it's good to have toys like softballs and wrenches to eat while you wait on the call.
Brendan didn't like to share his wagon so the only way to keep him happy was to let him walk Lance. Dean is Jennay's son and Jennay is Jessica's friend (for those that don't know). The last picture is one of the few wagonless shots. I also believe it captures Brendan goosing Dean.
The Root of Jessica is my new name for Brendan. Here he is in his overalls that stay strapped in on one side. That's why he looks like a midget member of NKOTB (you know who I mean, well most of you do). That third picture looks eerily like a man about to flag a book(if you don't know what that means you don't want to know) and then the fifth looks like a man that just did.
Had a little trouble with the TV the other day. They sent this little fellow out to help. As you can see by the crack hanging out the man is a professional.