Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dr. Higginbotham goes to Vegas

Here's a funny story from Mikey about his fiance's dealings with Mr. Las Vegas. It uses technical vet talk(such as frew frew) so be ready

I've got a funny story from Las Vegas. Andrea has been treating Wayne Newton's dog for the past few days. The dog is really jacked up and may kick off in the next day or so. But that's not the point. She talked to him today on the phone before the dog went to surgery and he started getting all broken up over the little thing. Bear in mind it is a little 6 pound white Maltese (frew frew dog). Well, after the surgery, Wayne wanted to come by and talk to her about how things went and the recovery. So he walks in wearing a baby blue "World's Best Dad" shirt and really short shorts!! As if she wasn't nervous enough, he had to throw in the distractions!

Just thought I would give you a nice mental picture.


Anonymous said...

That poor girl.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Newton wears Russell shorts!!! ::::cue Nelson's "Ha-ha!" here::::

Anonymous said...

Around here we call those Coach Yates shorts. Get Bob to tell you about how you can recognize Coach Yates sometime.