Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 3rd to B!

1. Look who picked me up at school! Alf! Remember him?
2. Big suprise that no one cracked their skull in this thing.
3. What Goofy is supposed to look like. Jessica's co-worker made this cake.
4. Uncle Bob gave Brendan, my old hat for a gift. Not sure if that counts as a gift.
5. I thought this was funny. No I didn't kick him in the head. Hard.
6. He doesn't care that a giant anteater is picking him up from school.
7. His motorcyle that is going to kill me or him. Not sure who goes first.
8. Tough guy haircut.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brendan!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Man! Brendan got a motorcycle!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhyuk yuk
This is Goofy to say hello Brendan
Huyuk yuk
Waaaa hoo hoo hooooey!!!!

2.5 Henrys said...

Goofy eh? He looks like a bit like a gar.